BatchMaster Software Pvt. Ltd

Why Cloud ERP is Advisable for Small Businesses?

Cloud erp software

With digitalization turning to be a buzz word, “ERP or No ERP?” is the question walls of almost every board room are hearing these days. Small or big, the challenges of all businesses are mostly same, yet many businessmen claim they are “too small” for an ERP.

But, the truth is- a small businessman needs to be faster and proactive in today’s competitive environment. And, what else can be of more help to them, other than an ERP?

Even small businesses need an ERP!

Being productive and efficient is equally essential for small businesses. Most of the small businesses are in a continuous state of growth. During this fast-paced growth, it becomes essential for every employee to remain up-to-date with the current situation. That is, there is a need to access real-time information. And, in the absence of an ERP, it is quite impossible or complex.

In point of fact, an ERP is a beautifully designed technical tool to bring efficiency in businesses. Centralizing all information useful for individual yet dependent departments, ERP brings a smooth flow of real-time information across the organization and helps in streamlining operations, analyzing the current situation and taking the right decision at the right time. Like any large or medium scale business, they have to stay true on quality parameters, meet compliance and regulatory requirements, ensure timely deliveries, provide the best customer service, et al. Is this all possible through manual or excel-based methods? Certainly not. It is possible only through an ERP. Not just this, with ERP, subsequently there is an introduction of efficiency in an organization that directly impacts the business bottom-line.

So, it is pretty much clear that even small businesses need an ERP! Then, what’s stopping them from adopting it?

What matters the most to small businesses is- time & money! Although with growth, money flows in, but there’s a crunch on the time and resource side. Managing both, growth and a digital transformation thus is nowhere an easy feat. Adding to it are- time-consuming & complex ERP software installation, expensive hardware configuration, downtime, highly paid IT staff, cumbersome process of data security, and such other reasons that scare the life out of the small businesses and keep them from adopting an ERP.

Now, coming to our blog topic- “Why cloud ERP is advisable for small businesses?”

We have seen above that ERP is now a MUST-HAVE for small businesses, too. But, there are a few reasons that stop small businesses from adopting it. Long story short: they need an ERP but it’s an expensive and time consuming affair. Then, what should they do? They should go for Cloud ERP. Cloud ERP is an alternative of implementing ERP that can be accessed from any device with an internet connection via unique credentials assigned over cloud sans all the heavy expenses.

Listed below are some of the reasons that can tempt small businesses to raise their hands for a cloud ERP:

Cost: Cloud based ERP software is priced on a monthly or annual subscription basis. Moreover, supports free and automatic updates. The advantages of this pricing model include:

• No upfront investment costs
• No hardware costs
• No infrastructure cost
• No complexities of backups
• No upgrade, data backup or recovery costs

Deployment: Cloud ERP is installed on the vendor’s server and can be accessed through a web browser. Thus, it requires no time consuming and complex installation.

Implementation: The implementation time is practically nil, the user can therefore realize faster ROI.
Security: Being hosted on the vendor’s server, the vendor takes care of data, ensures regular backups, and takes every measure to attain the highest level of security.

Maintenance: Cloud ERP systems have greater scalability through automatic and free updates from the vendor. The licenses can be increased whenever required. Some vendors even allow decreasing the licenses too.

See it all…

In a nutshell, small businesses must implement an ERP software for the reason that they need improvement in their business workflow and overall business performance. But, putting a huge amount of money, resources and time in on-premise ERP is certainly not a wise decision. The Cloud-ERP is the rescuer for them, providing them all they need, the way they need it and also without making a hole in their pocket. They are designed with the concern to target every key issue of the small businesses and take care of all the business operations – including sales, purchase, inventory, production, quality control, compliance, planning, and more. Being a SAAS based ERP, it cuts the long times incurred in setting-up and implementing the ERP which can be otherwise used by the organizations for innovation and other growth-oriented activities.

So, what are you waiting for? Implement a cloud ERP software at the earliest and take your business to a new level of achievement. But yes! There are numerous cloud ERP vendors available in the market. Which is better? Carefully remove the wheat from the chaff or, let us suggest you the one- ‘BatchMaster ERP on Cloud’!


About Us

BatchMaster Software is one of the market leaders in offering enterprise software solutions for the process manufacturing industries. With an in-depth industry analysis, gained through a vast industry experience with over 3000 implementations worldwide, we clearly understand the unique industry challenges. BatchMaster offers ERP solutions that are apt to support industry specific operations and handles critical processes of the micro-verticals. Process manufacturing companies around the globe have come to rely upon BatchMaster® to manage nearly every aspect of their manufacturing distribution, finance & accounting, quality control and compliance. With headquarter in Laguna Hills, BatchMaster has its offices in India.

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