BatchMaster Software Pvt. Ltd

BatchMaster Audit Logger: Efficient Data Administration

Ever noticed that our databases are quite like Honeycomb? If the later locks honey in hexagonal cells, the former stores data in table cells.  Data is to database as honey bees are to honeycomb; residing, interacting and working on it to produce the honey of information with authenticated-logins acting akin to wax-locks meant for the security. Moreover, like any unwanted activity in the comb can lead to bees hovering over your head, biting and creating havoc. Similarly, any unwanted activity, authorized or unauthorized, deliberate or accidental, generates mayhem situations for the ERP owners.

The only difference is that databases are system-made owned by us the “brain-holders” unlike the owners of beehives-the honey bees. Honey bees can’t do anything apart from being aggressive but we can certainly shield our treasured databases and can witness every activity as it happens. However, can you imagine a database without insertion, modification, and deletion of records?  Mais Non! (But No). Moreover, if without alert and audits – it’s completely prone to an epidemic (read: corruption).

To converge to the same, BatchMaster has brought about a superbly efficacious application: ‘Audit Logger’. It seamlessly integrates with BatchMaster database and conveniently captures the complete audit trail based on the specified criteria. With Audit Logger alerts can be set, updates can be registered, history can be maintained and emails regarding the same can also be sent.

So you are on business trips most of the time or your sales team spends most of the time on the field? BatchMaster Audit Logger is here to keep you updated with hitches of the business without respite. As it lets you schedule the alerts and get buzzed with the snags as and when they happen.  Like, the Purchase Manager can set alerts on the quantity of an Item so that whenever it goes below 10 units or above 100 units, a message/email goes to him and appropriate action can be taken to avoid the condition of scarcity and even of overstock.  Alternatively, alerts can be sent to Sales Manager whenever a customer crosses his credit limit so that trading can be put on hold with him or a reminder can be sent for the immediate payment.

Blissfully devised, Audit Logger minutely tracks every update done to your database and emails the same to the authorized person. Or else, you can set triggers to track just the crucial data and refrain from getting you your Inbox converted to another database. Like, you may at all time want to ensure that your standard cost of products is not being changed by an intruder or your pivotal financial accounts and its details are not being manipulated.

Moreover, this unparalleled auditing tool also maintains a proper history of every atomic change made in the database along with the complete details of WHY and WHO has made the changes.  Additionally, it even gives you the flexibility to set a criterion or schedule an event as to when the history is to be maintained.  In turn, saving the storage space as well as the time spent in retrieving data while ensuring the security of the database. You can then anytime use the history to figure out the changes or can even use it to analyze the trend (of hike in raw material prices, how and what customer orders etc.) over a period of time.

BatchMaster Audit Logger is one tool that relieves you from the worries of intrusion and security loopholes while also rendering you tighter and complete control of your company.  BatchMaster Audit Logger is now a sine qua non of being at ease with business!


About Us

BatchMaster Software is one of the market leaders in offering enterprise software solutions for the process manufacturing industries. With an in-depth industry analysis, gained through a vast industry experience with over 3000 implementations worldwide, we clearly understand the unique industry challenges. BatchMaster offers ERP solutions that are apt to support industry specific operations and handles critical processes of the micro-verticals. Process manufacturing companies around the globe have come to rely upon BatchMaster® to manage nearly every aspect of their manufacturing distribution, finance & accounting, quality control and compliance. With headquarter in Laguna Hills, BatchMaster has its offices in India.

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