ERP Technical Support

Post implementation, ERP technical support is crucial for the success of ERP implementation. BatchMaster's technical support provides an array of Service and Support Plans to choose from, so that you derive maximum benefit of the plan. You can avail the respective benefits by choosing a suitable ERP support option.

Annual Software Enhancement Plan
Where, the customer is entitled to receive free annual updates for client as well as third party during the coverage period.
The Technical Support Helpdesk is available during business hours on all weekdays except holidays. The support is also available via email or telephone; and is categorized in the following subheads
Standard Product Support: The support on the certain areas would be considered under maintenance contract that covers the following areas of product support:
Installation Related: Provides assistance in the installation & reinstallation of the software and addressing the issues related to it.
Report Related: ASM covers the issues under the standard report. Report layout modifications like changing logo or caption would be included but, any logic change, addition of Data fields in the existing report along with new reports creation would be out of the scope.
Software Related: Queries include software usability issues encountered in normal functionality specific to the BatchMaster software plus customizations and Add-Ons provided.
Integration with Third Party Software: The integration of BatchMaster with third party software would be supported, limited to the current configuration supported by BatchMaster.
Compatibility Issues: of BatchMaster with different systems like SQL server, OS, etc., would be addressed, provided that BatchMaster has released the compatibility version of certain products and is validated by the system.
Integration with Financial Software: Issues related to integration of BatchMaster and Accounting application would also be included as a part of maintenance.
Data Related Issues: Like data correction during the routine business process would be undertaken by BatchMaster. BatchMaster would not take any responsibility of any changes made in the data through back end by the customer, accomplished through the GUI, neither would entertain data corrections to maintain the referential integrity of the system.
License: Any issue related to the licensing of the software will be addressed by BatchMaster.
BatchMaster University: Would be providing the BatchMaster University login for the users. This will be self-learning tool to gain knowledge about the different modules using online audio-video tutorials. This will be limited to the number of user licenses purchased by the customer.
Released Service Pack: Covers providing information about the release of the new patches for the customer relevant areas. BatchMaster would also be available to assist customer's key contact in the installation of the new built and patches.
Support Provided On A Chargeable (Time and Material) Basis
IT Support: Is provided on chargeable basis. The actual task will be performed after the execution of Work Order and receipt of payment. This includes:
Data maintenance excluding backup restoration in case of server/operating system failure
Restoration, however will not include readying the server machine with an operating system, but will include installation of BatchMaster standard/customized product before the database is finally restored
Installation & upgrade of the software on the various workstations excluding server and 1 client machine
Network and accessibility issues Indexing and re-indexing of the database Installations and configuration of software other than those provided by BatchMaster
BatchMaster Knowledge Support
- This support is also provided on the chargeable basis and includes:
- Training to new employees of the customer
- Training on the Add-on products purchased later
- Training on the Crystal Reports
Report Modifications and Application Customizations
- All application customizations
- All the Reports creation, modifications and customization
- are included and tasks will be performed after Work Order generation and receipt of corresponding payments.
Run Our Manufacturing ERP With Your Existing Financials
Upgrade to our ERP without missing a beat in your financial and accounting routines. BatchMaster ERP offers seamless integration with Tally, QuickBooks, Sage 50/100/200/300, SAP Business One and other popular systems, ensuring a smooth transition.
Web/Cloud Deployment Available
Give your small, mid-size, or large-scale businesses the power of our ‘Cloud ERP’ solutions, and enjoy the benefits of leveraging the cloud.
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Allow our expert team of solution consultants to review your business operations so that they can offer you the best-possible solution, either on premise or in the cloud, to meet all your industry-specific needs